Friday, June 25, 2010

The Addiction of Head Shaving

I am convinced that now being Bald By Choice for almost 3 months, shaving ones head is addictive. In the morning I have got to shave and get as smooth as possible. If in the afternoon when I come home I have a little "sandpaper" I shave again.

Guess there could be worse addictions to have.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A week without shaving

I took a week off from shaving the head, in fact today I even went to the barbershop and got a quick fade. It was sure nice to see my friend Ralph the Barber.

Well tonight I was over at Sly Bald Guys checking out the various posts and I said the hell with this and got up went into the bathroom and shave my head again. It does feel great and I am back to being bald.

Is head shaving and addiction? Well if it is, I am addicted.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Two months Bald By Choice

It is hard to believe that it has been two months since I have gone Bald By Choice. Since shaving my head I have become more confident in the look. There have been times that I have questioned my choice, then I realize I love it.

I have had to get use to shaving my head and being careful not to nick myself. This has been the hardest thing to do.

I now cannot see growing the hair back anytime soon. I love being bald and plan to keep the Bald By Choice look for a while.

I will have a new poll in a few days.